This really's not about my arm, I swear!

Grinning Geckos

Tegan onboard.
I got a phone call not long ago telling me one of our employees quit today. It's a pretty big shock, but I understand why. Her boyfriend/ex-fiancee (long story) beat the crap out of her last night and she's going to her parent's house where he can't find her. They live on the North side, and she doesn't have a car. Therefore, she currently has no way to get to and from work. We let her know if things get better, or she finds herself on the South side again, that we've got a place for her.

This is just bad all over. I'm glad she's getting out of there. Things hadn't been great between them, but he never beat her before. I'm really horrified by it. I hope she called the police and pressed charges.

Add onto that, this really screws us BAD at work. We've been slightly understaffed...but we could get by OK. Now with her gone it's at a critical level. I know things are going to work out...they always do...but this is about to be really shitty.

Grinning Geckos

Tegan onboard.
Turns out this wasn't the first time. I guess he's knocked her around before. Also, she didn't call the police because she says she doesn't have any bruises. We told her to do it anyway, but she's not going to. Well, what can you do?


Resident PITA
Winston Salem, NC
nothing, just hope she stays away from him, I was in an abusive relationship in high school that lasted way after and it took me years to get out of it and not go back after all of the apologies and the it will never happen again lies.


New Member
Fort Worth, TX
I was in a very unhealthy relationship that included mainly verbal abuse but some physical abuse as well. That relationship lasted 13 years and the ONLY good thing that came out of it was my son. Sounds like your ex co-worker is taking a step in the right direction trying to get away from him. Hopefully she can stay away, which is the hard part. Old habits die hard.

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