This semester SUCKS!


New Member
Ugh this semester is going to be tougher than I expected. On Monday and Wednesday I'm stuck taking classes from 4:50-9:40!!! Did I mention I live almost an hour and a half away by bus? Last night I got home at 11 and that's because I got out early to wake up at 7am the next morning to have 3 classes back to back and get home around 5pm. I don't know how I'm going to be able to make it to the end without losing my mind, the only plus is that I have have Fridays off but my schedule still sucks :eek:

Pray for me, lol. My first class let us out early and I can't keep my eyes open.


New Member
Oregon, IL
Ugh, that's awful!

Were on trimesters so we're in week 7 of 10 in Winter Term right now. I've got one more mid-term exam to take today (we took all of the rest of them about a month ago..I just have the jerk of a teacher who wants to be different..) and a paper due every week for the next three weeks--not to mention big projects, a portfolio, etc. My schedule isn't as awful as yours but with my workload I ended up having to take a hiatus from Mock Trial Team and won't be able to compete in Sectionals February. I'm so bummed.


New Member
Everyone seems to be having a horrible semester this year. I've just had two days of class so far and already have to present something next week, already part of a group project and have a professor that is counting my final as 75% of my final grade.

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