This Week in News and Entertainment...


Rest In Peace jmlslayer
The S.F. Bay Area, California, U.S.A.
I'm going to a concert tonight. I haven't been to a concert since Ozzfest last time around. This is something at another end of the spectrum. Rap and Reggae.


There is this singer from one of the talent shows, "Britain's Got Talent," named Susan Boyle. She sings really well, but there is one thing that disturbs me. On quite a few other t.v. shows they are making a big deal about how remarkable her voice is in comparison to her look. How does her look have any bearing on how well she sings? Doesn't that sound so shallow, and why should it be pointed out on every show that she is any less attractive than anyone else? I think she has great spirit.

I agree but in our society when you are in the entertainment industry you have to have the look to go along with the talent and in many cases as long as you have the look they don't even care if you have the talent. I would rather see/hear talented musicians anytime of the day that were not attractive rather than see the good looking people that have crap for talent. Most music these days makes me want to vomit cause it is all about image and not the tunes.

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