Three Days of ...unpleasantness


New Member
Northeast USA
I just want to make a list off all the things that have irked me over the past three days so I can relax and sleep tonight.
1. Waking up at 5AM three days in a row with less than 5 hours of sleep each night! Why is everything so early!
2. People not doing their job properly and needing constant monitoring. You are not children! Show some initiative, commitment, EFFORT, and pride in your work.
3. Don't be late! when people are counting on you and you have deadlines, step it up! Get things done early! Call and let us know what is going on so we aren't stuck saying "well what now?"! If you need help ASK for it!
4. Got in a major fight with the roommate, now the boyfriend wants to verbally bring her down a peg, or twenty, because she was so immature and can't admit she messed up (For what she messed up see #3. The blame game is old, don't play it).
5. Be on time! Be organized! Help out, don't sit around on your butt while a few people are running around ensuring things run smoothly/with minimal hiccups.
6. Thanks to a stupid comment by the boyfriend my mother now thinks I'm anorexic.
7. I have No Clean Laundry (I'm doing it tomorrow)
8. My clothing (all of it) is COVERED in alpaca fleece!
9. I have a SUNBURN! (stupid open sunny hillside stuck outdoors for 8 hours straight with no sunscreen shaving alpacas, but they were so cute :D)

But all in all its been a good three days :main_yes:


New Member
wow a lot of things wrong and i know how you feel about sunburns i have a major one on my neck luckily i have aloevera plants in my yard and i have a TON of them so i just cut some off the plant and put the gooie stuff on my neck lol


New Member
Northeast USA
Well the past three days have been ok, its just that a lot of stuff piled up so of course something went wrong.

I would have worn sunscreen but I thought we'd be shearing alpacas in a barn or in a place with some shade. I have some lotion around here someplace, I just need to find it.

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