Tiny turtle causes taxiing plane to return to gate


New Member
It is ridiculous alright what is more ridiculous is that an airline chooses to make restrictions on which types of pets may occupy the cabin.
I don't think that any pets should be allowed in the cabin if they're going to hide behind possible bacteria as an excuse. Then what of allergies?
Dogs can carry rabies cats toxoplasmosis and birds bird flu and west nile all of which pose a significantly greater threat to passengers if not greater probability. Not to mention any bacteria they might also harbor.
After all you can get salmonella from most any grocery store .
I generally can't stand PETA, I'm sure they have their place, they just don't know where it is, but good for them on this one a whole damn airline picking on some little girls and a turtle.
Good thing we have all this beefed up airport security or those little girls might have returned home with their baby turtle completely unnoticed.
Then where would that lead ? Where would it stop ? Turtle trafficking ? International turtle smuggling cartels with tween girl kingpins ? No thank goodness for all the Barney Fifes of the world without them we'd soon find ourselves at the mercy of little girls and turtles everywhere lurking at every playground ready to play again. Ridiculous!

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