I know there are often difficulties getting Engimas to eat and was wondering if people who keep/breed them have any tips on getting them to eat good. I currently have 3 who eat but not enough for me to be thrilled. Ones at 50 grams, anothers at 37 grams, and the final one is at 48 grams. None are adults all are juvis(between 3-6 months) They do eat and when they do they eat WELL. There not typical engimas whos aim is bad or this or that. All 3 have perfect aim and what not, no signs of the enigma spin/syndrome or anything just are kinda picky eaters. I'd say they all eat 3-4 out of 7 days. Any tips on getting them to eat alot better? I feed mine 2 speices roachs, crickets, mealies, supers and waxxies here and there. thanks!