I work at a pet store that had two tokay geckos dropped off a month or so ago. Today when we were cleaning cages, we found 4 eggs attached to the side of a decoration which they hide in. We took the decoration out and we have it with the eggs attached in a styrofoam container with a heat mat under it. The eggs are already completely hard. A few questions I have,
1) when one of the other girls took the decoration out she flipped it upside down to look at the eggs. We flipped it back over and told her we weren't sure if tokays are like ball pythons eggs at all in that they have an air pocket at the top and if you flip them over they will lose their pocket...is this also true with tokays?
2) The eggs couldn't have been in there for too long but at what point do they turn hard? Could they atleast be a few days old or does that happen pretty quickly?
3) Is a styrofoam container with a lid and heat mat enough of an incubator? we put aspen in the bottom and sprayed it down a bit, are the eggs sensitive at all to humidity since they are hard eggs and not soft?
Any help with this is much appreciated as this was a big surprise but it would be great to get them to hatch.
I work at a pet store that had two tokay geckos dropped off a month or so ago. Today when we were cleaning cages, we found 4 eggs attached to the side of a decoration which they hide in. We took the decoration out and we have it with the eggs attached in a styrofoam container with a heat mat under it. The eggs are already completely hard. A few questions I have,
1) when one of the other girls took the decoration out she flipped it upside down to look at the eggs. We flipped it back over and told her we weren't sure if tokays are like ball pythons eggs at all in that they have an air pocket at the top and if you flip them over they will lose their pocket...is this also true with tokays?
2) The eggs couldn't have been in there for too long but at what point do they turn hard? Could they atleast be a few days old or does that happen pretty quickly?
3) Is a styrofoam container with a lid and heat mat enough of an incubator? we put aspen in the bottom and sprayed it down a bit, are the eggs sensitive at all to humidity since they are hard eggs and not soft?
Any help with this is much appreciated as this was a big surprise but it would be great to get them to hatch.