Tokay Gecko


New Member
3 Year Member
WIlkes-Barre, PA
I handle my Tokay, Oscar, everyday, barehanded but he still bites and barks.(I've never used gloves with any animal) He one grouchy gecko, which is how he got the name Oscar. Ive have him for several months now and I am the only person he has ever had contact with other then who every packed him from shipping. I purchased him from the store I work in so he has never known anyone other then myself. I was there to receive him upon shipping and i brought him home that day. He was the most gentle tokay i ever encounter but hes still a menace.


New Member
3 Year Member
How long ago did you have him before handling him? It can stress them out if you don't wait at least two weeks.


New Member
3 Year Member
WIlkes-Barre, PA
I was forced to handle him the day he arrived in my store to put him in his tank, and then at the end of my shift to put him in his box ot take him home where ironically he escaped while i was trying to put him in his tank, which is why i hate tanks with double front doors. so after i caught him a third time i left him alone four almost three and a half weeks. I honestly think hes just a grouch.


New Member
3 Year Member
I was forced to handle him the day he arrived in my store to put him in his tank, and then at the end of my shift to put him in his box ot take him home where ironically he escaped while i was trying to put him in his tank, which is why i hate tanks with double front doors. so after i caught him a third time i left him alone four almost three and a half weeks. I honestly think hes just a grouch.
Yeah.. most tokays are very mean.


Active Member
I wish Tokays were more docile. They are beautiful geckos glad to hear yours has warmed up to you! How long is she?

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