Tortoise hide


New Member
So I'm trying to make a new hide. I want to enlarge what I'm using, which is one square flower pot by attaching it to another one to make a deeper hide that they can think they're burrowing into.

The person that I got the idea from just set her's side by side and buried them. I'd like the bury them as well, but I would like to connect them. Plus I have to use the pot from the other tortoise, which means that I need to make him a new house.

I did, but I had to put two different containers together to make sure it was just right. I hot glued them together, but I haven't given it to him.

My question is, is the hot glued house safe and non-toxic? Will it be safe to give my little Brazilian red foot? And, will it be safe to hot glue the two pots for my Russians?

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