I can't stand getting PM's full of trivial BS about other users What makes people think that I care how they view others, when at 36 I have learned to judge people for myself :main_yes:
Kind of like those idiotic surveys that people fill out and pass on. In an odd attempt to let people 'know who you are'. Its a sad way to make a judgement.
Like i really care what someones favorite color is, or how many brothers and sisters they have, or who they lost their virginity to......bloody myspace. If I did care Id flip my eye lashes and ask for myself.
Or atleast im Assuming thats the trivial bs your talking about
I'm not sure what the problems are that these people are having??? I agree that it's always best to just tell the person you are having issues with how you feel, but there can always be fallout as a result.
Yet in the twisted world we live in, If someone confronts someone else about a problem, a gun gets pulled and people get shot.
Not litterally...well sometimes litterally, but you get the idea.
Nobody likes to hear they are wrong. So people scream and argue. And In todays society everyone just mumbles four lettered words under their breathe, or complains to someone else.
I think the main problem is that for the most part - this isn't the real world - it's a forum. Yes, there are many people on here who are friends off of the computer, but lots of attitude is thrown around by people who know nothing about each other and are going by the "tone" of posts (which can be misinterpreted REALLY easily).
Nastynotch said:
And In todays society everyone just mumbles four lettered words under their breathe, or complains to someone else.
There is at least one person on here who doesn't do that :robin: At first I didn't "get it" but the longer I've been on this (and other) forums, I have gained much respect (She keeps it real yo )
Nothing wrong with shooting from the hip(so to speak) IMHO, but don't shoot the person in the back and fire a warning shot first
I live my life trying to be nice to everyone, but everyone knows that being nice sometimes isn't the answer. I assure you if I have a problem with somebody that's worth talking about, I loosen my belt and tell them in a ADULT manner how I feel in hopes of rectifying the situation in a peaceful manner. I don't go gossiping with other gossip junkies and forward it to others hoping to win them over to the gossip crowd.
I am a nice guy, but don't confuse kindness for weakness :main_evilgrin: