TRR Auctions IS HERE!!!!

Kelli I know you helped as did so many so once you join please shoot me a PM so I can take care of you!

OK guys! This is it! TRR Auctions is ready to roll.

Tell your friends tell everyone. I will be setting up the BCS better so it suits this more. We will be working hand and hand to make this the place to buy and sell. We have both auctions and dutch(Classified ads) auctions here. What you get just signing up

The first 30 days starting Friday. So there is an extra day lol. But you will get $20.00 in credit. This can be used to buy extras on the site. Like Highlighted ads ect............

The First 30 Days if you buy an animal off ANY member of TRR Auctions I will credit you $5.00 in your account so you can use it on your ads and what not. Please know this credit is to purchase ad features on the auction and not money to buy items from others.

This will be the place to buy and sell. This will be the place known for honest sellers and buyers.

What do you have to lose? NOTHING! TRR Auctions is giving you $20.00 to try out all the features.

Also remember the basic package is FREE! If you never need highlighted ads, Bold ads, Featured ads, or a store with over 20 items. IT IS 100% FREE!!!!!!!!!!! That is right FREE! So lets sell some reptiles, inverts, and supplies
Thanks guys.

I would like to let you all know I will do everything I can to make this an honest place to buy and sell. I will reward the great sellers. There is a plan in place to do this!!!! And I will also run promos that give buyers a kick back when they by off the TRR Auction sellers. Like all this month We are giving a 5 dollar TRR Auction credit for the buyers if the purchase an item. This credit can be used on any TRR Auction features.

In the end. I want us all to have fun and not worry about the "am I going to get ripped off"


Leopard Gecko Addict
Gary, It looks great! I registered. I can't wait to put something up for sale there in the spring.

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