TUG... Tangerine Tornados


Active Member
Lake Worth, FL
bamsd619 said:
Hi Everyone:

I know that there are several creative "marketing" terms with morphs and I think this is one of them. They are beautiful (and pricy), and I am wondering if anyone here has actually ought a high end on and what are your thoughts? How is the color and do you have any recent pics?:main_huh:

Thanks for the feedback!
Please keep in mind that with line breeding you get a wide variation from the same parents. If they all came out like the top 2%, where would the challenge be? I've had some tangs in the past that looked pretty bland as post-breeding adults, these look decent and should be great for outcrossing. Also, my experience has been that most orange baldies get some patterning on the head as they age, these are super clean. The top one in this pic is a 20 month old 5 star Tornado, the bottom one is a (Tornado x Tornado) juvie. It's like pulling teeth to get people to post pics of these, you know there have to be some super nice ones out there. (see pic below)
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Lucky Dragon Geckos
South Florida
My thoughts...

I've been purchasing geckos for several months now and would say that the most ORANGE geckos that I have seen in person would be from Hot Geckos. I've got their bloodeline as well as a few others, and in my opinion they all have their own great qualities. I've seen a lot of orange geckos on the web, and have seen many of those breeders in person with their bloodline, but once again, Dan from Hot Geckos seems to the most orange. His most orange aren't cheap, but I have yet to see any others that orange. At least in person that is.

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