Tweezer Feeding?


Aunt J

Can I hurt my leo by feeding him mealies by tweezer? I keep a bunch of mealies in an escape proof dish, but he's pretty uninterested in them. If I give them to him by tweezers, though, he pounces on them and eats like six in a row before he gets bored.

I'm worried because sometimes he gets overly enthusiastic and bites the tongs instead of the mealie. If I drop the mealie in front of him, sometimes he ignores the mealie and still bites the tongs in I can't move away fast enough. Can this hurt him?


New Member
New York
I feed all my leos and my AFT using tongs. I personally prefer it, much easier because I dont have to worry about the stupid cricks finding somewhere to hide and they cant get them.

Aunt J

But can it hurt him when he bites on the tongs? That's what I'm worried about. He's not much interested in the mealies if I drop them in front of him -- he wants them right from the tongs, and then he bites the metal.


New Member
Hanover, PA
try using the mealies that move the most, and put them 1 at a time in front of him. i had a little girl that woulnt eat out of her bowl at first, i had to feed her on her substraight (paper towel) but once she got bigger she started eating out of the bowl


New Member
New York
Aunt J said:
But can it hurt him when he bites on the tongs? That's what I'm worried about. He's not much interested in the mealies if I drop them in front of him -- he wants them right from the tongs, and then he bites the metal.
I dont think so, I have had mine accidently bite the tongs in the past and never hurt them. If your worried about the steel tongs, go with plastic ones, zoo med makes small plastic feeding tongs, I use and love them. They are cheap to.

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