Hi Kristi,
I am interested in one (or both) of your females. They are absolutely gorgeous. I have been researching leos for a while now and think I'm ready to get one. I have a 20H tank with a screen cover. 2 hides and a moist hide. Plenty of food dishes Multivitamins with D3. My calcium is on it's way in the mail from Flukers (no phosphorous). I plan on bedding them on paper towels since it works so well with my snake. The only thing I have left to purchase is a heat pad and a thermostat, and I'm just in the process of hunting down the best price.
I looked on your website, and your critters are stunning. I noticed that you are in the Chicago area. I live in the general area too, so shipping may not be necessary, if you are comfortable with a local pickup. I'm going to PM you my email address so if you're interested, we can hash out some details.
Thanks a ton!
I sent you an e-mail.