Two Females In the Same Tank...


is behind you.
Prince George, BC
For the first time. How do I go about doing this?

Tiamat and Mandarin have met before and while there was some tail-waving on behalf of Tiamat, there was very little aggression. I took this as them getting along okay.

Right now they are in two separate tanks. Tiamat is in the 20 gal and Mandarin in the 10. I would like them both in the 20 gal. Do you think that's enough room? I'll have four hides available. There are also some nooks and crannies in the tank as well what with all the decor.

I suppose I should clean the tanks thoroughly so that Tiamat's scent isn't too strong all over the place, right?

Also, and most importantly (for me, lol) how should I deal with Mandarin choosing a poo spot? I suppose there's no science to getting them to go in one spot. Tiamat has chosen right next to her warm hide. I have a piece of tile there for her. But, in her 10 gal, Mandarin chose on top of her warm hide. And before that she would go on the background. D: (I have one of those foam, fake rock backgrounds.) How should I prepare for that? Place paper towels in all the corners so it's easier to clean? I'm afraid she'll go on Tiamat's background, too. And that's a pain to clean! I had to throw out Mandy's because it stunk!

Anyway, I'd appreciate any advice! Thank you. :)


Gotta catch 'em all!
Jacksonville, Fl
I have lots of females together. Honestly, i've never had a problem. I have two females in a 20G now, plenty of room. I have two females and one male in a 40G with no problems, and I have a male and female in a 20G as well. None of mine show any signs of being aggressive and no one has bite marks or anything. When I put them together for the first time, I just put them in and watched them for a little while.

Allee Toler

New Member
Mission Bay, CA
All my girls, 4 in the same tub, poo all together in the same spot. It's a pain. Once they poo, I clean it up, put down paper towel for them to poo on next time, then they go in a completely different corner ALL together. So I move the paper towel to that corner along with leaving it in the other corner. Right now, paper towel is in all 4 corners, and now they're pooin in the calcium dish!!!

Girls. :main_no:

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