Unable to see pictures


New Member
NE Ohio
Most of the time I'm looking at the forum from work. Unfortunately they have so many filters and what-not on the computers here that I can't see a lot of the pictures people post. I don't like having to wait until I get home to see pictures. It's really frustrating when I can't see the picture, but all the replies are oooing and ahhhing some fantastic animal. I'm like a little kid sitting in the back of the crowd jumping up and down, unable to see the parade because of all the adults in front of me. I know, I know, this is petty. I'm like coffee...bitter, but most people can't live without me.:main_evilgrin:


Most of the time I'm looking at the forum from work. Unfortunately they have so many filters and what-not on the computers here that I can't see a lot of the pictures people post. I don't like having to wait until I get home to see pictures. It's really frustrating when I can't see the picture, but all the replies are oooing and ahhhing some fantastic animal. I'm like a little kid sitting in the back of the crowd jumping up and down, unable to see the parade because of all the adults in front of me. I know, I know, this is petty. I'm like coffee...bitter, but most people can't live without me.:main_evilgrin:

Best line ever! lol. I drink GALLONS (alright more like 6-12 cups) of coffee a day. :main_rolleyes: But that is a good line I should use it. =P

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