Uneven Temperatures Might Be Causing Lack of Appetite?


is behind you.
Prince George, BC
Hi all,

I think I have finally realized why Tiamat has not been eating. Outside of ovulating - which I am POSITIVE that she had an egg in her belly last week. She hasn't laid, and it looks like she has reabsorbed it - but I have noticed something. In the week that she was eating, her temperatures had remained around 95-94 for a few days. She ate twice.

Then it started getting cooler outside and my temperatures started to drop. I am currently using a Zoo Med Repti-Sun thermostat and I have always had trouble maintaining a steady temperature with it as it seems sensitive to the air temps in the room. I have been thinking of using another rheostat like I have for Mandarin's tank because it seems I have to adjust it less often. Tiamat has steadily lost wait and now she's about 38g. Her temperatures were around 92-93 sometimes lower and I thought she liked it like that, and maybe she did when she was brumating. But I'd like to try to maintain her temperatures more evenly at around 95 like I have for Mandarin - and she eats like a pig. So should I try a rheostat again?

And does anyone use this thermostat? Is it any good? BAH-1000SC Reptile Thermostat. I have heard that the Repti-Sun isn't a very good thermostat and I think that may be true....


I use a herpstat nd from http://www.spyderrobotics.com and I am more than happy with it. It keeps my temperatures absolutely constant and temperatures on my herpstat match exactly what my digital thermometer shows. Usage is very simple and features like the night drop are a nice bonus.
Definitely worth looking into,
cheers Dennis
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