Unexpected... Morph?


New Member
I bred a male SHTCT 100% het Tremper to a female "Hypo" (unknown hets). When I got this female, as a juvenile, she had been listed as a Hypo Tang.
I know the background, of the male, but not that of the female.
Both were virgins, prior to this breeding, and not together with any other Leos.

From this breeding, I expected to get Hypo Tangs &/or Super Hypo Tangs. Plus, some Trempers ~if~ the female proved out to be het Tremper (which she did not).
Indeed, I did get Hypo Tangs & Super Hypo Tangs (along with a couple/few Baldies).

However, I also got a few babies that looked "different". Not like their Hypo & Super Hypo siblings.
When these "different" geckos hatched out, they did look like Hypo Tang, or High Yellow, babies but then, with each of their earlier sheds, very soon did not look as would have been expected.
I have an idea of what they could be, and I do know this had to stem from the female (mom), but would really like the input, of others, as to what they could be or what may be going on with these "different" youngsters.
Pictured, at various angles, is one of the "different" babies. She is a beautiful 3+ month old.



Staff member
Somerville, MA
It's tempting to think of it as a redstripe because of the tangerine along the sides, but the gecko is definitely banded. I think it's an interesting hypo tang with more of a yellow color on the dorsal area. It reminds me of the coloring on the true boldstripes where it's a nice yellow on the dorsal part.



New Member
Thanks for the responses thus far.
Had to find time to take some more pics. Not the best pics and the female (mom) did not want to sit still either.LoL
The first two pics are of the male (sire/father).
The third & fourth pics are of the female (dam/mother).
The last two pics are of two different full siblings (one a few weeks older and another of approx. same age) which are more along the norm and what I expected from this breeding.


New Member
It's tempting to think of it as a redstripe because of the tangerine along the sides, but the gecko is definitely banded.

You are right. she is definitely banded. So, Redstripe is out. The orange, along the dorsal sides, is interesting, and does give her a nice look, though.

My thoughts are/were that she reminds me of a White & Yellow.
She has some traits of a W&Y. Such as the high white (on sides), white tail, the lack of carrot tail (in fact, the carrot tail coloring looks like it was cut off, right at the base of the tail, before it could go any further LoL), wide white band at nape of neck, high contrast colors, etc. Plus, started out looking like a Hypo Tang, or High Yellow, before the change.
Then, I figure in how the W&Y first came about.
Of course, despite all that, I could be off base. Thus, why I need/want some input from others.


New Member
Canandaigua, NY
Yes, it is not a pure red stripe obviously, I only say that it has obvious red striping and could have originated from a red stripe x banded parentage.
Mom looks like a patternless stripe, definitely some red stripe in her history as can be seen in the offspring. Many patternless stripes were created by crossing red stripe x reverse stripe.
Dad is definitely a banded Hypo Tangerine

It cannot be a W&Y, one of the parents would have to be a W&Y and they are not.
High white sides is not uncommon and neither is a white dorsal stripe. These are line bred traits, example (geckosetc.com Red Stripe): http://geckosetc.com/images/avail/S/STF19_210_600.jpg

Yeah what you got there is a mutt...
I guess I would call it a Hypo or a Hypo with red stripe influence.
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