Update on Gracie


New Member
Ontario, Canada
The little malnourished blizzard that I posted about last week. I'm sad to say that her weight isn't up, in fact, she lost two grams... :S Mind you, I did weigh her last week right after a bath, so maybe the "34 grams soaking wet" theory means "32 dry" But, she's been eating up a storm. She's been eating mealies daily and I've tossed her a few crickets as well, which she perks right up over and stalks. Very cute. She's also gotten much feistier. Last week, she was very sweet and docile, and this week she was more typical from what I'd think a neglected leo would be, not aggressive, but definitely not impressed with being disturbed to be weighed ;)

She is no longer having diarrhea or regurgitating. (She regurgitated twice last week.)

Fingers crossed she gains some weight! With the rate she is eating, I'm hopeful.


New Member
Canandaigua, NY
Im sorry I didnt see your other post but did u get a fecal sample tested?
With parasites they can eat and still not gain weight.
Also I wouldnt expect to see significant weight gain in just one week anyways.

Good luck with her and I hope she gets better!


New Member
Ontario, Canada
Im sorry I didnt see your other post but did u get a fecal sample tested?
With parasites they can eat and still not gain weight.
Also I wouldnt expect to see significant weight gain in just one week anyways.

Good luck with her and I hope she gets better!

I haven't yet. My closest herp vet is an hour away so I'm giving it another week/week and a half, and if there's still no gain at all, then I definitely will. I know a week isn't much to gain, I just wasn't expecting a loss, that's all. :main_yes:


New Member
Ontario, Canada
I always love seeing the Gracie updates. Any new pictures? Is her tail starting to fatten up, or is it still super-thin?

Aw, thanks. No new pictures, I hate disturbing her. I want to re-decorate her tank this weekend though, so maybe some when I do that, they'd be posted to her fbook group that I try to update daily. :)

Her tail is still just as thin, unfortunately. As is the rest of her. :( I'm hoping it eventually gets a bit better. I've noticed changes in her demeanor and energy so far. So weight will come, I suppose. :)

Thank you for the interest in her, Gracie loves that she has love from all around the continent... as far as mexico :) And I love it too, support is appreciated when dealing with such a sad little creature :(

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