Update on my "sick" gecko


Staff member
Somerville, MA
The first week in Feb. I brought my female AFT to the vet because while her tail was getting skinnier, her midsection was getting larger. When I looked at her belly, her liver looked terribly enlarged. The vet tried to aspirate a sample from her liver and didn't get anything. He concluded that it would be both painful and possibly fatal to try and diagnose or treat whatever it was and advised me to take her home and make her comfortable. She was not eating on her own, so I would have to hold her at every feeding and push crickets against her mouth until she took them.

That was nearly 4 months ago. She continues to have a "black" belly and a thin tail (her remaining tail is only about 1" long and has been that way since I got her a year ago as a 4 year old rescue). I continue to have to feed her by hand (always offering in the cage first) and she gets 4-5 crickets every other day. However, she is maintaining her weight (around 60 grams), seems comfortable and has laid 4 clutches, 3 eggs of which are incubating and seem to be good. I guess I'll just keep her going as long as she's responding.

I'll try to get a picture of her in the next few days.


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