Update on Snooch


New Member
Ontario, Canada
Hey all, just stopped by to give a little update on Snooch.

When I first got him he was a little scrawny and very jumpy - he wouldn't give me the time of day, as far as handling him went. Now, two weeks later, he seems to be gaining some decent weight. He also seems to be warming up to being handled.
Anyway, aside from his main diet of mealies, I just recently introduced him to butters. Man does he ever go nuts for those.

The second reason I thought I'd make this thread was to share his (read: my ;)) first shed.

Here's some pics -



The aftermath -





Well, hope you all enjoyed the update.
Happy Holidays.



New Member
Ontario, Canada
Thanks a lot for taking the time, everyone.

gitrdone0420, haha, I see what you did there.

On one last note, I'll be sharing some pics soon enough of a faux rock background + humid hide that's nearing completion. Just needs some paint and sealer and she's ready to go.
I completely forgot to take pics of the whole process, from start to finish, though.


New Member
Ontario, Canada
Alright, so I got some painting done on the faux rock background tonight.

First things first, though. I started this out with some 5/8" pink styrofoam. I then cut two equal sized pieces to cover the length and height of my tank.
One of these pieces was used for "detail". All I did was cut it in strips, lengthwise. I then shaped/rounded off edges on said pieces with an exacto knife.
When all was said and done, I glued (liquid nails) all the pieces onto the other piece of styrofoam that I had previously cut.

Now comes the messy part.

I used non sanded grout to cover my foam. For the first layer I mixed up a pretty runny batch of grout and applied it to the foam with a paint brush, pretty much to get all the grooves and whatnot filled in.

Now 24 hours later, after the first layer of grout was left to cure, I mixed up another batch, but this time not as runny.

24 hours later I did the same thing, but even less runny, for a third and final coat of grout.
Once cured, it was ready for paint.

I used acrylic paint, watered down and used in a spray bottle.
For the first coat I used a base colour (sierra brown). Sprayed it on, let it sit for about 15 minutes, then dabbed the excess water/paint off with a sponge.



After letting the paint dry fro a short while, I mixed up some sierra brown and black paint, sprayed, waited, then dabbed off the excess again.



I called it a night after this. In the next few days I'll paint in some detail and report back.

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