Updated Pics!!! Need Help!!!


Gecko Geek
Okay, so I took these photos tonight, at 10:40pm ....This is my gecko that will not eat... she's getting extremely thin, and I noticed her belly was dark, so I took the pic's.

What is the problem? Internal bleeding? A parasite of somekind? I've come to the realization that she's not going to survive...

I tried contacting all the local vets I could but none deal with reptiles. there is one in a neighboring town I'm going to contact tomorrow and see if I can set up an appt.

Anyway heres the pics, what do you think is the problem?




Staff member
Somerville, MA
That's her liver and it's more or less where it's supposed to be. If you got her young and small from a pet store, she probably had a very stressful early life and some don't survive. Keep her warm, keep trying to feed her and hope for the best. If for some reason she doesn't make it, I hope this doesn't put you off reptiles. Try again with a gecko from a reputable breeder. If you did get this gecko from a breeder, contact the breeder to let him/her know you're having problems with it.



Gecko Geek
I bought this one and another from the same local pet store, who purchased them both from an Ohio Breeder.

My mack snow is doing great!!!

But this lil one is just not eating...I'm afraid she's going to die. But I hope not!!!

I've been offering her every type of feeder I can get my hands on right now, Mealies, waxies, and crix.

I've given her some baby food, and just recently got all the ingredients to make gecko soup.


New Member
surrey bc canada
make the soup and try a little at a time with syringe {no needle} you can try adding something called jump start its in liquid form into her water if she is drinking works for some worked for my girl but doesnt for everyone. what are your temps at make sure they are mid 90's helps her digest and stimulates appetite. keep a bowl of mealies {they stay in the bowls better than some worms} in there 24/7 make sure she is getting calcium either mix a bit into the soup or add liquid calcium to her water.
the dark spot isnt moving at all is it some dark spots can be compaction usually shows a bit lower though. how long have you had her? did you get a vet check when you purchased her? he could have a parasite very easily treated if you catch it in time it can cause weight loss , loss of appetite ect . call the vet tomorrow and try to get her in take a fecal sample if you can with you. Good luck.

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