USA Politics.


New Member
Maryville, TN
Do you think that Big Government is conditioning our youth to be unintelligent and illiterate? Attempting to Un-arm us with the many gun laws that are beginning to take place? Trying to scare us into depending on them through the media? Trying to mold the nation's population into sheep? We gain 1 freedom, but sacrifice 3 or 4 in return. One freedom lost, one more step to a socialist society.

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Grass Valley, California
the last administration scrapped out the constitution pretty well...i'm looking forward to the return of Habeas Corpus and the rest of the constitution... wonder what the founding fathers would think of the cruel and unusual punishments the last admin doled out? or attacking an innocent country under false pretenses???

they may still pay for their crimes.


New Member
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both" - Benjamin Franklin

Sunrise Reptile
New Haven, IN
Do you think that Big Government is conditioning our youth to be unintelligent and illiterate? Attempting to Un-arm us with the many gun laws that are beginning to take place? Trying to scare us into depending on them through the media? Trying to mold the nation's population into sheep? We gain 1 freedom, but sacrifice 3 or 4 in return. One freedom lost, one more step to a socialist society.


Out of curiosity, are you republican? They're the ones trying to taint the popular opinion cause they're still all pissed off for losing the presidential election. The jokes on them, cause how in the Hell can they believe that that bubbleheaded Vice-Presidential candidate (no offense to any ladies except this one) could possibly help their cause? I mean really! :main_rolleyes: It's time to move on!!!

they may still pay for their crimes.

I don't think this will help us in the least. It certainly doesn't make us look resolute in the eyes of our adversaries. :main_no: There's a time to let go, and I believe this is one of them.
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New Member
Maryville, TN
I’m neither. Political parties are as stupid as the people who ride the coat tails of the idiots trying to get into office. Both parties have good views, but both parties also have stupid views. Why can't we put what is best for our country and the people that live in it first regardless of their "party"? I don't care if the person's skin color is green and purple stripes...If you can make it happen, make it happen!

No Child Left behind was passed under the last Administration. NCLB will be the turning point in uneducated people, give it another 10 to 15 years, you thought Illiteracy was bad now?

Why does the Government want to take away our guns? Criminals will ALWAYS be able to find guns, even if guns were completely banned in the United States. Controlling guns would only allow the Government more control over what the general population can and cannot do, and it would not reduce gun crimes.

Media is only there to scare people. I'm not talking about your local TV news stations, I’m talking about the big news stations such as Fox News, CNN, HNN, MSNBC and its affiliates. It does inform, but it scares. If there wasn't 15different channels on the TV screaming that economy is bad with no turning back, no chance of it fixing without drastic actions. The worst thing that happened was people started not spending money when they really needed to be.


New Member
Maryville, TN
I don't see why I chose Politcal Science to get my Bachelors in. I guess I thought differently of the Government my Freshman year of college.

Sunrise Reptile
New Haven, IN
You have some excellent points there. I believe these sentences were my favorite:

Both parties have good views, but both parties also have stupid views. Why can't we put what is best for our country and the people that live in it first regardless of their "party"?

And I think the answer to your question is, "That's politics!". :main_yes:


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
Do you think that Big Government is conditioning our youth to be unintelligent and illiterate? ... Trying to mold the nation's population into sheep?

No, I think Disney is though. Seriously. I guess I should add that the 2 elementary schools I work at have superb academic programs. It's too bad the kids remember 20% of what they hear there and 80% of what the hear on TV.
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