Im pretty sure thats what i have decided on doing. My questions are, do i need to glue it to the tank somenhow? and do i put anything between the tank and the tile?
silicone.....I would let it dry a for 6-8 hours before placing a gecko in there. The fumes can be pretty bad until aired out. the only thing you need between the tank and tile is the silicone its self.
EDIT: Also I would silicone the edges so no roaches or crickets have hiding spots.
I hadn't thought about using silicone....I actually put some play sand down on the bottom of the tank then placed my tile on top of it...the sand fills in the spaces in the bottom of the tiles to help transfer the heat. Might not be neccesary but it works well for me. I do have some gaps at the edges and of course between tiles. Maybe next time I'll have to try using silicone to make it more permanent.
Does anyone know if Fat tails respond well to tiles as a substrate. Also if they do is it safe to use grout in the lines I used to lay floor tile and it would be a cool look.