
Northern California
What's your opinion on putting a uth on a tank or on the shelf it sits on? I'm tired of pulling out a bunch of wires when I slide out a tray. Would it make a huge difference if I stuck it to the shelf so the tray can move freely?


Staff member
Somerville, MA
As far as I know, racks are made like that with heat cable or flexwatt. I have attached a UTH to a piece of plexiglass and then put the enclosure on top of it with no problems.



New Member
Kind of a related UTH question for you all. I have bred and still breed other desert reptiles for a dozen or so years now and have to use basking lights.

**When I started with leopards a couple years ago I asked what was a reliable UTH and was told T-rex cobra's. I got a few of them for large tanks and small. One small one did start to get extremely hot to the touch, I tossed it and got another.

OKAY the question (I promise) lol. I am in need of a couple 7 watt mats for 10 gallon tanks and just found out T-rex cobra is re-doing their line because of safty issues, and are not selling the 7 watters right now.
I have been asking as to which other is efficent and SAFE ( these are in my bedroom) don't want any safety concerns/fires. Some say zoo-med stink, some like them? Some say Exo-terra, and others tell me they are great for bon-fires ? And last some have said "Ultratherms"

HELP I need to order 2 asap ( which would most of you go with) ? I will keep looking as I need to order, hehehee.

Thank you


Shillelagh Law
I have been asking as to which other is efficent and SAFE ( these are in my bedroom) don't want any safety concerns/fires.

They are all manufactured with a fuse between the electrical cord and the heating elements, this is a safety feature so that power is cut off above a certain temperature (and in the event of current flowing through it past the rated amperage). It is reasonably reliable, though not completely failsafe. Additionally, should this fuse burn out, the heating pad becomes defunct in a fairly permanent manner.

People will have preferences for individual brands based mostly on their personal experiences, with the experiences of any given individual rarely (or never) being significant enough to be something other than anecdotal evidence. The brand matters far less than the precautions you take in using the heat pad correctly. If you are concerned about fires (or overheating enclosures), then the single best thing you can do is invest in reliable thermostats, to use in conjunction with the heat pads.

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