Violent Baby Uro


I question all things.
I need some advice on handling my tiny mali uromastyx. I acquired him from a bad situation at a local pets****. The first two or three days he was docile and complacent with being held, but after a couple of days (soaking up the UVA/UVB from the mercury vapor bulb) his personality took a total three-sixty.

Now here's where I need advice. He's extremely and violently skittish. I walk within a few feet of his enclosure and he goes berserk. And handling him is next to impossible without force. He will do everything in his power to escape my hands, and I just don't feel right trying to restrain him. He will throw himself from great heights (I've learned to only hold him a few inches above the substrate in his cage after he took a big fall) and whips his tail around.

Is this behavior normal for a baby mali uromastyx? How can I slowly tame him without causing too much stress?

Here's some information about his care:
- He is 5-6 inches.
- We recently switched (much to my protest) from newspaper to millet.
- His basking spot reaches a range from 110ºF to 125º, he has free range of how hot he wants to be.
- The bulb is the Powersun UV Mercury Vapor Bulb.
- He is housed in a 20 gallon long.
- He is being fed lentils, millet (obviously), small tortoise diet, flax seed, and greens. (Collard Greens and Escarole are the most common on the menu)


uro's are skittish i've had my 2 years and he still likes to tail whip me
food sounds good but my uro's temps are a higher mine are 125+ they do like it hot.


New Member
Your setup sounds pretty good. His basking spot can go up to 130 with no problem. Uros are very skittish as babies. If he's that scared even when you go near the cage, try just spending time next to his cage. Pull up a chair and read a book. Leave him alone but let him get use to your presence. It'll take patience but uros can be taught to be pretty friendly.


New Member
Oregon, USA
I wouldn't worry too much about it. It could be a possibility that before he was calm simply because he was not feeling well (due to the previous environment). Now that he's in a much better one, and adjusting, he is becoming the little wild thing he should be.

Two of my friends who have had uros said that the little ones went through a bit of a crazy streak after coming home and began chilling out after 2-3 months. I'd just suggest you keep doing what you are doing, eventually the little one will realize you aren't a threat.

I'm not sure if a harness and leash would be an option at this point, but that's one method one of my friends used to tame down his uro.


I question all things.
At 5 inches, I don't think he's ready for a harness just yet. :p

But good to hear others have experienced the same thing. Puts my mind at ease!

Thank you all for your advice!


New Member
I'm not sure if a harness and leash would be an option at this point, but that's one method one of my friends used to tame down his uro.

Do not use a harness at this stage! Even my super lax male goes nutty if he's on the harness and something startles him. He'll get tangled in the harness and get more scared. My male is ok cause if he spooks I just pick him up and he's instantly calmed.

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