Virginia Tech


New Member
York, PA

There's at least 20 dead, including the gunman, and many more are injured. A very good friend of mine goes to school there and I haven't been able to get ahold of him. I just have to wait and hope he didn't go to class today.

I wish I understood WHY someone would do something like this. How messed up do you have to be?


New Member
McDonough, Ga
We are hearing 31 dead now including the gunman which supposedly killed himself (the easy way out like they always do). I don't know why someone could do something like that either, then puss out and kill themselves after taking 30 innocent lives, ugh.


New Member
York, PA
I think it's up to 33 dead now. It's absolutely devastating. My friend did get ahold of me, so at least I know he's physically ok but he's pretty shaken. He said they needed the use of helicopters to get some of the victims out and to nearby hospitals but with the wind storm the east coast is having they couldn't get them in.

I really can't understand what type of individual could senselessly kill so many people and like you said puss out. It's been a bad year for VT, and my heart goes out to the students and family effected by this idiot.


Right now, its up to 33 dead. Not sure how many injured. This is way worse than Columbine. So sad :(


New Member
DeKalb/Wheeling IL
One of Nikki's best friends is studying abroad in Spain and they were broadcasting everything live there, also. I can't believe how big this ended up, and how the h*ll did it last for over 2 hours? I just don't get it...


I live in Va and know many people that have and do go to school there. I have heard that he chained the buildings doors shut and just went in and out of classrooms shooting random people(one kid said he actually reloaded in the room right in front of them but as he had multiple pistols he prolly had a loaded on at all times preventing them from rushing him). As far as I know its 60 victims 33 dead so I guess its 27 wounded 33 dead which is now the worst shooting in the US.


New Member
York, PA
From what I'm hearing today, his creative writing teacher suggested he see a counsler after a few of his pieces were disturbing. I'm guessing he never sought help. I do think it's a really good idea for all college kids to have a mandatory class to help outline things to look for to prevent things like this. I really just can't wait for Carson to come home at this point. It's going to be so good just to see him.


New Member
Weymouth MA
really deep sigh. This kind of thing disturbs me so much. All those families, all those students who will live with this forever. How can one person have so much hate inside of him?


frustrated mom
Brooklyn, New York
instead of killing all those people and then killing himself, he should have just killed himself first and saved all those lives,thats only my opinion.


New Member
York, PA
KiKi said:
instead of killing all those people and then killing himself, he should have just killed himself first and saved all those lives,thats only my opinion.

I totally agree! In York, we recently had a lady try to kill herself by piling all sorts of things on her stove and turning it on. She sat on her couch and watched the place burn around her, but she lived in a town house community. The fire department was called, and by that time a good 20 people lost their homes and fire fighters had to risk their lives to save the lady who started it all. I don't agree with suicide, but if you really think it's that bad..don't make other people and families suffer. :(


New Member
York, PA
If you haven't already, go check out msnbc. They've released what he did between the two shootings.


Deliriously Random
Long before he killed 32 people in the worst mass shooting in U.S. history, Cho Seung-Hui was bullied by fellow high school students who mocked his shyness and the strange way he talked, former classmates said.

Haven't we heard that a few places before? Not to justify his actions, as I think that they were totally deplorable (to quote Simon Cowell), but when will kids, tennagers, young adults, and even adults realize that words hurt and can scar someone for life. Eventually, lead them down the road to mass shootings..

Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.



New Member
McDonough, Ga
ByRandom said:
Haven't we heard that a few places before? Not to justify his actions, as I think that they were totally deplorable (to quote Simon Cowell), but when will kids, tennagers, young adults, and even adults realize that words hurt and can scar someone for life. Eventually, lead them down the road to mass shootings..


Ahh I don't know about that man, most people have had some sort of words that have hurt them along the road, It doesn't lead to "mass shootings" or anything else, its just that this guy is some sort of pyscho that used that as an excuse. Don't get me wrong words do hurt, but these creeps use things like that as a "poor poor pitiful me" excuse, and that is why you hear that all the time when crap like this happens, not because it "caused" it.

P.S. Also, a little off topic, that really aggravates me to death with news programs when crap like this happens. You hear repeatedly how this kids was teased, tormented, whatever almost as much as you do, as much as you hear about the innocent victims. Don't get me wrong, teasing and tormenting is not right, but GET OVER IT!!!
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It's an awful thing that happened, but I went through an bad time at all schools I went to. I got picked on, beat up and numerous things happened and I can't say I ever did anything wrong but be different from other people I just tried to keep to myself but still for some reason it still went on, so I can see how over time this can drive someone crazy but not to a point where it would cause something like this, dude was just an idiot wanting attention and he got it in the worst form possible.

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