Virginia Tech


New Member
DeKalb/Wheeling IL
As Josh said, I am not trying to justify his actions, but 99% of the time when this stuff happens, there is a history of abuse/neglect in the person's history. As far as we know in this case (or I know), it was nothing serious in that respect and he was just off in the head.


New Member
Nation wide Mourning


I live in Virginia, just hours away from tech. It is awful and it is sad! I knew many people that went to tech and thank god, none of them were hurt. But I think that today we should all stop and say a little prayer for the victims and their families; also for the family of the gunman. They are going to have to live the rest of their lives knowing what their son did!



New Member
DeKalb/Wheeling IL
Has there been anything about his family? I havent heard anything about his parents owning a cleaners or something and his sister graduating from Princeton. Anything on aftermath with them? Or maybe history that could help explain this?


New Member
I haven't heard anything about his family other than that his sister worked for the government. I don't care how much he has been tortured, picked on on, or hated people. Or how his family treated him; it gives no one a right to take the lives of innocent people. I don't think there is an explanation! I am not going to get into it because this thread would be 10 pages long.


I live in VA too and this has really affected me and my daughter as next door to us their daughter just started there in Sept. And we know alot more who go there. What really bothers me is how often this is happening. I took my daughter out of school when the DC sniper threaten to kill children in schools. She was out three years. She is now in 7 grade and hopefully she'll go onto 8th grade. But there is so much stress even in her young life. I do feel for the families of everyone affected including Cho's. I know how much pressure and pain they go thru as well. They did nothing but because its their son who did this, Hate crimes could happen to them. Its very sad and I pray that things can be done to keep school shootings away! The worst in History-right here in our backyard, thats scarey. Hugs to everyone!! Deb :( :main_angry: PS this whole week my daughter has worn a VT pen marking on her face. It is affecting everyone even in other countries.
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