Hi, looking to get some advice on my vivarium build before going out nd purchasing a leo for it.
Vivexotic LX36 (36"x15"x16")
Climate Habitat 14w Heat Mat 11"x11"
HabiStat MatStat
2x Exoterra Thermometers
Exoterra Hygrometer
ExoTerra Medium Hide (cold hide)
Habba Hut Medium (warm hide)
Small home made moist hide
Exoterra Medium Water Bowl
Exoterra Worm Feeder
As for substrate we are using slate tiles bought from the local DIY store. We will be using the smallest amount of sand possible for filling inbetween these and then squirting a bit of water onto the sand to make it a bit more solid.
We are hoping to feed the leo on worms only (mealworms staple and wax and super as treats) as well as a calcium dusting and dish available.
i'm aware that leos do not need any from of light but the vivarium will be sitting close enough to a window to regulate the day night cycle and to give the gecko a few hours of sun per day.
any advice on the setup or any hints or tips would be well appreciated!
Vivexotic LX36 (36"x15"x16")
Climate Habitat 14w Heat Mat 11"x11"
HabiStat MatStat
2x Exoterra Thermometers
Exoterra Hygrometer
ExoTerra Medium Hide (cold hide)
Habba Hut Medium (warm hide)
Small home made moist hide
Exoterra Medium Water Bowl
Exoterra Worm Feeder
As for substrate we are using slate tiles bought from the local DIY store. We will be using the smallest amount of sand possible for filling inbetween these and then squirting a bit of water onto the sand to make it a bit more solid.
We are hoping to feed the leo on worms only (mealworms staple and wax and super as treats) as well as a calcium dusting and dish available.
i'm aware that leos do not need any from of light but the vivarium will be sitting close enough to a window to regulate the day night cycle and to give the gecko a few hours of sun per day.
any advice on the setup or any hints or tips would be well appreciated!