Vomiting gecko?! :(


New Member
About your leo:
-She's somewhere between 4-5 months old. I've never weighed her.
-Owned for 4 mo.
-Got her from a pet store

A) Health/History
-I handle my geckos every other day
-She has been acting extremely lethargic & uninterested. All she wants to do is sleep. Normally she is very curious, alert, and active. And normally VERY interested in food.
-She has had no previous problems

B) Fecals
-The feces in the tank has been much larger, and runnier than normal (however, I'm unsure if this has been her or her sis going. I house 2 female geckos together)
-Unsure of the last time she went, again, I house 2 female geckos together

C) Problem
For the past couple days my gecko has been acting very lethargic, uninterested, etc. She hasn't been eating. Normally she is always willing to eat. She has noticeably gotten smaller, and her tail has gotten much skinnier. Picking her up, she feels lighter. Her eyes don't look bright anymore, and they aren't open & clear like they used to be. All she does is sleep. She puked twice yesterday (that I saw), and it was only clear liquid. I tried to hydrate her by letting her soak in a bowl with a bit of warm water. I rubbed her stomach a little and felt some lumps on the right side of her body. Last night I noticed that her tongue, that is usually light pink, has turned a dark red/brownish color. I'm worried that this could be blood, or the result of some type of deficiency.

A) Enclosure
-10 gal
- Glass tank
- Type of substrate is a reptile carpet
- 2 hides, 1 hot & 1 cool

B) Heating
-Heating mat & heat lamp
- Cage temps averages around 75-85?
-Regulate heat with the heat lamp & mat
- Measure temps with a thermometer on one side of the cage
- I use one heat lamp (night version), and a normal light that I turn on during the day so she can have a day-night cycle

C) Cage mates
-1 female cage mate who has been housed with her since they were babies
-No previous problems

Describe Diet:
A) Typical diet
- I feed her crickets every day, and mealworms usually about 2-3 times a week.
-I drop crickets and mealworms into her cage. Lately I've been putting her mealworms in a bowl with calcium.
B) Supplements: Calcium on crickets & mealworms
- Brand is Repti-calcium I believe?
- Gut-loading food with calcium power

I'm a new gecko owner, and I'm very concerned about the health of my gecko. I'm going to take her to the vet tomorrow but I just want to try and get a little help in the meantime :(
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New Member
You're on the right track scheduling a vet appt. Try to collect a stool sample, easier said than done, I know. My first thought is that she may have parasites.

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Neon Aurora

New Member
New Mexico
I agree with above that it could be parasites. It's not too uncommon with geckos bought from pet stores. The vet may do a fecal and provide meds.

I would recommend removing the tank mate for two reasons. If your gecko does have parasites, you might be able to save the tank mate from getting infected by separating. Secondly, sick geckos shouldn't have to deal with the stress of another gecko if they hope to recover. A sick/small/underweight gecko will be taken advantage of and bullied out of getting food and shelter by a bigger/stronger/healthier gecko.

Also, on another note, your tank is probably too hot with both a light and an unregulated heat mat. This may contribute to her lethargy. Ideally, heat should be provided with a heat mat (lights are not necessary and often detrimental, especially at night) regulated by a thermostat and ground temps measured with a digital thermometer with a probe.
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