wanting to get into cresties



Sometimes the screen caged don't hold moisture well, Crested Gecko's need between 60-80% humidity.

You would need A LOT more plants and vines, and trees, etc...

I would be worried about impaction since your going to feed crickets, and the crickets will be able to get right down in that bark stuff.

It would be easier to feed Crested Gecko Diet because it has everything they need, while you would have to supplement the crickets and dust them, etc.

If your house temps or where the gecko will be are 70-80 you don't need any lamps.
Anything over 80 will stress them.
But I think that 50 watt will be okay.


ok thanks. so would a zoo med or exoterra be better?
my room temp is 72-76 day and night all year long so I should be ok there. I thought the crickets would be better but if the diet is just as good ill go with that. also is that website a reliable one? thanks again

Valley Reptiles

New Member
The picture on the box looks like it's ok.
Any kind of bark is not a good idea for cresteds. Bed a Beast, Eco Earth or Peat moss is the only substrate i would use. They can still ingest it but it's' small enugh for adults to digest it.


ok well i can use eco earth but still would the rest of that set up be good for 2 adults?


That Exo terra tank is big enough for a lot!! I just ordered one, but the doors broke in shipping so I haven't been able to put my big boy in his mansion :(

Still applies though, no males together.

2 or 3 females would be okay. But you should have a spare tank in case some are being bullied and not being able to eat enough.

You don't want to keep just one male and female together, he will probably pester her way to much.

You would want one male and 2 females. But if you go that route, there will be breeding.

You would want to have a separate tank in case the females are being harassed to much.
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New Member
I think it's better to buy your own stuff little by little or go to a cheaper site and you can get what you want. That "kit" seems to have a lot of fillers. Everyone already touched upon the substrate, the cage the light your probably never use depending on your house temps. You'll need more plants and climbing things.

P.S. I should be paid for giving this link out so much but it's my favorite site. reptilesupply.com ..you can find a lot of cheap hanging plants, eco earth, and stuff for cresties.


well my thing is with the light, I have other tanks that could use a light I just havnt gotten one yet so it wouldnt be a waste getting it. I can get eco earth really cheap around here so substrate isnt a problem. Ok I know the medium size was ok but I only want to get 1. Would the small one be ok then? Its 12" x 12" x 18". For one I would think its ok but i want to make sure. thanks


I don't like the small one for a Crestie, since they can get over 8 inches that wouldn't leave a lot of room in my opinion.


well im going to be getting a baby from lllreptile. Its like 2-3 inches.I dont have enough right now for the medium and it will be a while before I do. But i thought that I could put the baby in the small one and move up when it gets bigger.


You don't have to get that expensive cage if the baby is going to be that small.

Any critter keeper or something like that will do good, you don't want the baby not to be able to find food.


oh ok so what should I go for? And I want to use the paste, i think its cgd? So it will always be in the same place. Could I get like a 10-20 gal tank and lay it on its side so that its taller? Or is there something else you would recomend?


For a young one, even a juvie you could use a 10 stood on its side.

Then you could get the Exo Terra when you feel he is getting bigger and wants more room.


New Member
More plants definitely.

I'm surprised no one caught it, but you would need to feed the food that they give in the kit. Crested gecko diet is the best source of nutrition for crested geckos. You could still offer crickets, but feeding what is offered is necessary.

One adult crested gecko would be perfect in that size tank but a baby m be a little stressed with such amount of room. May have problems finding food. I'd go with a small tank and upgrade to that one.

Since you want to feed crickets hopefully in addition to the CGD, you'll want to use paper towels or something instead of substrate to prevent potential impaction.

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