"It shall be unlawful for any person to willfully sell,
display , or offer for sale or give away as part
of a commercial transaction , a live animal on any street,
highway, public right-of-way, commercial parking lot, or at any
outdoor special sale, swap meet, flea market, parking lot sale,
carnival, or boardwalk."
Now who is to say what defines a "Swap Meet, Flea Market, or Special Sale". I guess the NARBC, HerpWorld Expo, Reptile Super Shows, etc, etc could be defined as a special sale, or as a Flea Market or swap meet. All I can say is if this does pass, it just opens up a whole can of worms for the rest of the nation to deal with... Whether you agree with this legislation 1% or 100% all I ask is that you just submit a letter, it will take two seconds out of your day to put your name at the bottom of a TEMPLATED letter...
Maybe I`m ignorant, but if this was happening in FL, NY/PA/NJ, or any other major reptile breeders "haven", I would hope you guys would be up in arms...
My 2 cents.
Nigel you make a valid point! :blank: It's almost a double edged sword. Because most of us complain about those flea market, street corner, etc. reptiles all the time. I cringe each time I see RES's being sold in critter keepers in the middle of winter in chinatown, because that is just plain cruel. Then again passing such a law I can see how it can infringe on the rights of those that are responsible owners, breeders, etc. like most of us here.