Its a good idea, they are lovely. I've owned one a bit back, and i liked it, unfortunately i had to get rid of it for other reasons, but i wish i didnt have to as they are lovely pets, and live well together.
there's a great book by Philip Vosjoli (or Visjoli, i can't remember and i can't be bothered to dig it out, so i may be compltely wrong) which i'd recommend, as a lot of reading is needed.
two quick notes would be, to not get a glass viv. As they completely do not understand glass, and will carry on running and running despite getting nowhere, and they will damage and crush their little noses
Also, if their are more than one, because of this contant running, they will kick substrate all over the place, and a big issue is when substrate gets kicked into a cagermates eyes and causes a bad infection.
When i had a few, these are just a few of the things i heard, i'm not sure if they are true or a massive issue, but just a few things i was warned about, so thought i would pass it on to you.