Water dragon


New Member
Sheffield, UK
Its a good idea, they are lovely. I've owned one a bit back, and i liked it, unfortunately i had to get rid of it for other reasons, but i wish i didnt have to as they are lovely pets, and live well together.

there's a great book by Philip Vosjoli (or Visjoli, i can't remember and i can't be bothered to dig it out, so i may be compltely wrong) which i'd recommend, as a lot of reading is needed.

two quick notes would be, to not get a glass viv. As they completely do not understand glass, and will carry on running and running despite getting nowhere, and they will damage and crush their little noses :(
Also, if their are more than one, because of this contant running, they will kick substrate all over the place, and a big issue is when substrate gets kicked into a cagermates eyes and causes a bad infection.

When i had a few, these are just a few of the things i heard, i'm not sure if they are true or a massive issue, but just a few things i was warned about, so thought i would pass it on to you.

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