Weekend trip and 2 thank you's


Staff member
Somerville, MA
This past weekend I made a big round trip from Boston through NJ, PA and NY to spend a weekend at the Jersey shore and to take one of my sons to College.

I had 2 very productive meetings with forum members:

Thanks to Chris Stager (hope I got the name right), "Stager" on the forums, for meeting me in Elizabeth NJ to buy my supersnow eclipse leopard gecko and his good communication which helped us rendezvous on the road

Thanks also to Samantha (Sajane on the forums) for giving me her fat tail gecko and a ton of supplies in NY. I really appreciate her generosity.

Pictures of the fat tail will follow as soon as I get caught up with life (twin #2 gets dropped off at college this coming weekend, meaning another 6 hour trip!)


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