Weight/Length Data for Plot, Please Contribute! =3


New Member
Fort Smith, AR, US
Hi guys, I've recently obtained a kitchen scale and have started observing the growth of my leopard geckos through weight and length. While entering the data in, I became curious of average growth rates and length/weight ratios.

This leads me to a personal request of all you owners of healthy and happy leopard geckos out there. I would really appreciate it if you guys could post your leopard gecko lengths and weights! With this data, I can compile a nice plot, be it linear, exponential, etc. More data will give me better results!

Here are some standards/guidelines for the entries:
  • Your leo must be healthy. (No ill or malnourished geckos please!)
  • Weight AND Length are both required, or else the data set won't matter.
  • Any units are sufficient; however, I tend to prefer centimeters and grams.
  • The age of the gecko, while useful and appreciated, is not required for the core data.
  • Any age, from hatchling to adult is fine.
  • You can submit as many as your geckos as you have the patience to give. The more, the better! :D

If I can get a reasonable amount of data to create a line/curve, I would be more than happy to share my results with everyone! So please, share!

Here's the first data point:
Tictameous: 85g; 25cm; Age Unk.
I have another leo, but it's quarantined and under observation.

Example of Data for Weight Gain Over Time of Growth
Rikki: Patternless (3-4 months old estimated)
11cm to 15cm length over ~2-3 months

Turns out that growth is very linear so far. I was expecting it to be an S-shaped curve. I haven't been weighing and measuring as much lately, but I'll keep doing it maybe once a week.
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New Member
I've not measured my gecko yet, and i'm in no condition to be running around lol. I'll post it in a few days


Active Member
Southern Illinois
Cool what you're doing :main_yes: Hey, you should get together with this university student who has to write a biology paper about leos :main_rolleyes: :main_laugh:


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