Weird behavior..



My Crestie's been like this since I woke up 12 hours ago...
He was a really pale white when I got home from school I thought he was dead or getting ready to shed, so I picked him up and he perked up and I put him back in his tank up high, I came back 5 minutes later and he was back in the corner and his color was his regular orange/tan with dark red blotches...
The temp is not below 70, and not above 80.



Is he just being odd? Or maybe sick? It looks really uncomfortable..:main_laugh:


New Member
During the day Cresteds sleep on the floor or in there leafs mine are on the floor during the day and climbing at night so its normal


I never knew that, usually during the day he is sleeping up at top under his leaves, maybe he's starting to get used to his surroundings because I've only had him since...the 30th.
And now he's okay with sleeping on the ground and not in hiding.

Thanks for clearing that up for me :)

Tiny chibi

How high is the humidity in the tank. If it gets too dry they sometimes try to get themselves underneath things or bury themselves in their own substrate 8D


New Member
We have a rock with a hole in the middle of it in one of our enclosures and our little girl curls up in the center of that rock. I have 2 that sleep on the ground and 2 that prefer to sleep up higher.


I try to mist it 2-3 times a day because it gets really really dry here in Alaska, yesterday I put some organic soil in there because it hold moisture and moss, which I soaked in water and rung out a little bit because I don't think it was moist enough, I also put in a small water dish to raise humidity too.

He's in the same place today so I'm thinking maybe I'll see if I can find or buy a small hide or something for him to sleep under if he wants too.

Last night when the lights went off I was "spying" on him with a red bulb to see what he does and he basically moved a few inches to lay on the antler and just stayed there lol. It just looks so uncomfortable though, he's like wedged into a corner, maybe he feels safer with his sides touching something then just clinging to the glass like he used too.

But I think he's becoming more acclimated to me and that I'm not going to hurt him because last night he was out and watching me while I was walking around my room and everything.


Active Member
My one will sleep on the tank floor or in his leaves, it really doesnt seem to matter i think its all up to him really, but just to let you know its normal.


Sonoran desert
I have a little one (4-5months) and came across the same experience...he shed a few days later and all is good!

he was sleeping on the ground (which was odd for him) he was pale seemed cold and I also thought I would walk in to find him dead =[ but all good


What does it mean if he doesn't come out at all all day and all night but just sits in the same place behind his plants on the glass?


Sonoran desert
If he doesn't move all day and all night? hmm that does seem a little odd...
How long has he not been moving? you should get somepicture of him possibly out of his tank for a better look.

A short story My first crestie I got as a adult he was healthy and fine. He lived in a 29gal tall tank by him self for most of his life I took him out of that and put him in a mesh tank. He died about 3 weeks later. I think he was not getting enough constant humidity. Before I had him in that tank I had three wild caught geckos (not cresties) they all 3 died in a week. Could have been ignorance on my part or just unhealthy geckos. Nonetheless I will never use a mesh tank again.. at least not until I live in a area with better humidity.
I wish you good luck with your gecko.

Do you have a gauge to measure humidity? If you find it dropping quickly after spraying or dropping below say 50 for long periods of time?


It's about 60-80, it's gone up a little cause I put in moss and soak it and ring it out..
It is SO dry up here so I have to mist it a lot, right now he's in a 20 gallon long stood up on it's side, so the lid is full screen which may be letting the water evaporate too fast. I am working on getting one of the Exo terra tall tanks that are mainly glass except for the screen on top, which would help keep in humidity.

Are there other ways to raise humidity?

I don't know why he didn't move for like a day and a night, it seems he hides for a day or two after I touch him, but he was out last night just chilling near the ground and I picked him up earlier in the day, so I'm not sure, maybe he comes down and goes back up before I notice? I'm also not sure the last time he's eaten his CGD either..I haven't seen any lick marks or bites out of it..but a lot of people have said he'll eat it eventually, so I'll keep waiting..

He doesn't seem to be plump, but not too skinny, I'll try to get a picture from above him to show his weight.

He HAS NOT slept in that position on the floor since I took the picture...


Sonoran desert
yeah if you have been seeing him move round he is probably ok and you just doing what we do with geckos and freak out whenever something isnt right.
Trust me I know just look at half my post =]
It sounds like what your doing to keep humidity in is good I just wonder how much is really staying where it needs I have heard/tried a little using ice cubes ontop of the tank. I have done it on very hot and dry daysmost days) to keep a drip going into the tank I do not know how safe this is with cold cubs I have not heard of anyone having a problem with it. You can also make a drip cup by taking a Styrofoam cup and putting a very small hole in the base fill with water set on top....It also might not be a bad idea to cover the sides of tank with some sort of plastic maybe just leaving the zipped door side on covered for access. I have had to cover half of my screen top on my tokays large exo-terra (which is glass walls) and it help out alot so I would imagine it would do a great deal for you.
also people say crested do not drink for standing water? I have water dishes in all my tanks for humidity and on more than 1 occasion I have seen them drink from it. just another thought


I just got him the 30th, so he's fairly new, today he was in the middle of his tank resting on the antler I have in there so he is being active and I misted in front of him so he could lick water off the side of the tank and plants and he did..

I also have a water dish in case he wants to drink out of it.

The tank is all glass except the screen front..

I was thinking maybe covering half of the screen with card board or something like that.


Sonoran desert
How old is he I have noticed with younger geckos they have a harder time climbing walls and what not that could also be why he is spending time on the floor


Well, he doesn't go on the floor anymore, he doesn't eat his CGD anymore either.

He's basically full grown, so pretty much an adult. He either stays up at the top behind his plants, or in the middle, but he doesn't go on the ground anymore.


hmm, I was just thinking, maybe he doesn't come down because there isn't anything to hide under? It's basically just that antler and then open floor space.
I have a small plant I took out go my Tiger Salamander's cage and maybe I'll put that in there to see what happens.


Sonoran desert
yeah it might help but I would not worry I only see mine maybe eating down there. one will sometimes sleep during day but other two sleep on glass. plus you just got him give him time to settle in more he will be fine


Yeah after I put up the extra plant, he seems to be in the middle of the tank now hanging out on the tong of the antler, and I THINK he ate last night, his CGD looked a little less then the night before, haha!

Yeah I think I'm not going to hold him for a while, he seems to be taking a longer time to get adjusted and tends to hide for a few days after he's been held..

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