What do you do while your geckos are out?


New Member
This is to funny. I got my Leo weds. He will stare at me and climb the glass in his tank. I stick my hand in and he climbs aboard. I sit down on the couch and he starts crawling around. He tries to get on the couch but his toes will get stuck. I have to keep moving him because he tries to get on the couch.
I haven't put him on the floor yet because we have a small dog so basically he goes from hand to hand and tries to get down and explore.

When I put him back in the tank, he will push his cool hide all over the tank. I think he gets mad when I put him back, that's why he moves his hide all over the place. The longest he's been out is like 5 minutes because he won't stay still. Hopefully we get to where he just hangs out with me that would be cool.

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