what do you think?


New Member
can 2 leopard geckos live in a 20 gallon long tank for there whole lives? If they are male and female will they breed? from what i can tell my leo right now is a female and i would like to add a male.


Spotted Shadow
Western Montana
I personally wouldn't do it. I feel leopard geckos are healthier living by themselves. When you house multiple geckos, you have to keep a lot of things in mind. For example, you must always properly quarantine new geckos before introducing them, to make sure they don't have any health problems. If you don't do this, you could possibly infect all who come in contact with the new gecko. Even when properly quarantined, there is still an overall greater risk of infection when you house multiple geckos. Also, you have to keep in mind things like cage mate aggression, food competition, and dominance. The geckos being housed together should be around the same age and size to prevent these problems.

And yes, a male and female will breed if introduced. What will you do with all the possible babies? Do you have plans for all of them?

So to answer your question, yes, you could house two geckos together in a 20 gallon long, provided you kept in mind all the things there is to be considered to ensure both gecko's health. But I personally wouldn't do it, for hygienic reasons, and because you don't seem prepared for the breeding/babies possibility between a male and female gecko.
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Staff member
Somerville, MA
Quarantining is a must, of course. I do house nearly all my geckos in groups of 2-3 and have had no significant problems during the past 8 years. I house 2 geckos in a 20 long and 3 geckos in a 20 long with an additional 12"x12" heated second level. A male and a female housed together will most likely breed, though I have a male/female pair housed together all year round that don't breed (that's because the female doesn't ovulate anymore and she also hides out in her cave nearly all the time). If you're not prepared to purchase breeding supplies, feed house and either keep or give away/sell the babies, and you really want more than 1 gecko, get another female, quarantine her and see if she can live with the one you already have.


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