What does Hypo mean?


Reptile Enthusiast
Titusville, Florida
Hello this is Cesar. Some one said in my other post that he is Hypo and if the spots on his back go away (which they are) then he is Super Hypo. Is that good and what morph exactly would thatmake him? View attachment 46471 and what does Hypo mean?
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Spotted Shadow
Western Montana
Hypomelanism (Hypo for short) is a genetic color abnormality that results in a decreased production of melanin (dark pigment). Due to this, the gecko will exhibit yellower coloration and reduced dark spotting on the body, particularly the midsection. Super Hypo, like GeckoCrossing mentioned, is when the gecko exhibits very little to no spotting on the midsection and/or head. I want to say your gecko is a Super Hypo, but it does appear to have a tiny paucity of spots on the back. Hypo and Super Hypo aren't that hot when it comes to morphs, but when line bred (take JMG's Super Hypo line for example) or combined with other morphs such as Tangerine and Carrot Tail, they can be highly coveted and stunning geckos. Generally, Super Hypo is more desired than Hypo.


Reptile Enthusiast
Titusville, Florida
Oh ok thanks, i was just wondering cause people who say theres is carrot tail have orange all over it, mine has a little bit, so little that is hard to see in the pic, but i was unsure so thanks for answering all my stupid questions, sorry :)


New Member
Pilot Grove, Missouri
I'm not really hot on setting a exact limit of the number of spots a hypo can and cannot have. If a gecko has 11 or 12 spots, that by definition of a hypo makes it just a high yellow or normal. Lets also compare for instances if a gecko where to have 15 little spots to a gecko who has 9 big spots. The gecko with 9 big spots really could have more melanin and be less of a hypo than the gecko with 15 little spots. That is just doesn't add up for me in my book. I think we have to look at it from a pure species standpoint. I believe a hypo should have a reduced amount of melanin compared to the pure wild bloodlines and not based on a certain number someone decided to throw out. This is just my opinion on the subject.

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