What got you into geckos?


Anime Youkai

Hello everyone,

I have wanted a leopard gecko since I was a little kid. I do not have a leopard gecko, but I was wondering what drew you into getting one? I currently have a corn snake right now, but I would eventually like to expand into other types of reptiles.


Fatty Fatty Boomballaty
Western PA
I actually had planned on getting anoles for my first reptile, but when we went to the petstore I saw the leos and fell in love. I actually got them for a boy scout merit badge requirement, but that was just my reason in getting them :mellow: .

And as we all know if you get one leo, you have to have more. So three years later I now have 10 leopards amongst other herps :D. They're great animals too dude you won't be disappointed.


New Member
Dansville, NY
My mother when i was like 2 years old. I think she regretted getting me into herps so early because I use to catch snakes in the wild and put them in my dresser drawers. when my mom put my clothes away they would scare the hell out of her.


i dont have a leo exactly.

but geckos in general just amuse me. i dont know why but i find them sooo cool.


New Member
Beale AFB, CA
I didn't want a leo at first, I actually wanted what I think was a banded gecko but I'm not exactly sure since it was 3 years before I got my leo. I saw it at petsmart but couldn't get one because hubby and I were moving to Germany. He told me that when we got back I could have a gecko if I still wanted one. Shortly after we moved here I talked him into taking me to the little family owned pet store in town where I saw my first leo fell in love and picked him up about two days later since then I've gone from one leo to a small zoo lol.


New Member
kinda cheesy....
But, leos got me into leos:p ...
The story though is a miserable looking gecko at a petsmart... The tank she was in was at like 98+ or so if i remember correct...:main_robin:


Let's Go Bears!
I've always had reptiles ever since I was like 8. I experimented with many different types of lizards. From your common iguana to velvet geckos, armadillo lizards, red headed agama, skinks, chameleons, bearded dragons, snakes and monitors. Next to monitors, I think leos are the best. I researched for a while and wanted to get a tame and smallish lizard that was hardy and lived a looong time with proper care. It so happened to be leos and I never looked back.:D

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
I had a friend at work that had several reptiles, and at the time I never considered having one as a pet. He brought me an Fauna magazine (not to be confused with Fauna Forums) that spotlighted leopard geckos, and I began researching them. There was really nothing online I could glean any information from, but we went to a reptile show together in 1984 and I purchased two very small unsexed 'high-yellows'. After about 6 months, I realized I had two girls and got a male. The rest is history... I was totally smitten!!!


New Member
I got into leos because I was keeping other Herps as just pets and decided I was confident enough to start a breeding project. I wanted to start small and simple So I picked up a leo and cared for it for a year. Once I was sure I knew what I was doing I got a male and started breeding. I was only going to breed leos on a small scale just as practise for some of the more complicated Herps to breed. But now I have 16 leopard geckos and I'm not stoping there! lol. I do want to breed other Herps in the future but I'm content where I'm at for now. I am thinking of getting a pair of corn snakes for this coming season. Oh and I will be breeding African fat tails this coming season also.


My son gave me a pair that had been abandoned for a month and were going to be taken to the dump! I'm so glad that they came to me. I researched and made them a happy home. They showed their gratitude by madly reproducing. I try to steel myself to give away the young ones but I just can't. Recently I separated the pair as I just can't do the babies anymore. I gave the male to my Mom for her birthday (she likes my geckos). However, he will not eat for her and seems to be missing his mate. His mate seems to be missing him. So, I'll take the male back and try her with this year's first born, Dottie. If that doesn't work then she's cut off from gecko ownership. (she tried last year and it didn't work out. ) But the little guys are so loveable that my mother who doesn't really like pets really wants one! They really are sweet pets. It is so cute when feeding time comes and they come out to greet you and lick your hand and ask for a ride. My all time favorites have been leos and cockatiels and I couldn't pick a favorite. I would like a pair of sugar gliders though.


Actually my fiance. When we moved in together I had one dog. I bought him a dog for Valentines Day and then got 2 abandoned kittens from working at a vet office. I had always had herps when I lived with my parents and decided I wanted some sort of reptile since I was living on my own. I bought 2 rosy boas at a reptile expo. While we were there my fiance saw a leopard gecko breeder. He was soo impressed that the breeder let the gecko sit on his hand and that the gecko didn't freak. From then on all I heard about was getting a gecko, he wanted one soo bad. So I got online and looked up all the info I could on leos and finally got 1.2 babies. Since then we have been slowly growing our leo family. He will not touch the snakes, but loves to let the leos sit on his shoulder while he is on the computer.
He has his hood up because he says their toenails on his head tickle.


You feed 'em we breed 'em
Tualatin, OR
My uncle gave me two normal Leopard Geckos when I was in 4th Grade. I still have them, they are 10 Yearsold. One of them is my avatar.
Ohio/West Virginia
Well actully I have a cool story to tell. I had orginally called a petshop and asked if they had any lizards.And, me not educated about ehrps at that time,they said they had some newts.So I told them to order me a pair of breeders.Well he said that they should be there in 2 weeks on Thursday.So I called before i went and they said that they wouldn't have them for 2 months longer.And that day my dad took me to a petshop to cheer me up.I looked at the reptile cages and saw the most adorable little normal one and I begged my dad to let me have it.So the person in the reptile department got out this big ol binder with a buinch of different reptile species in it and we read the part abot the leos and so my dad asked her if she wouldnt let anyone else get it so that my mom could come look at it to.And the next day she did and we got her when she was about 2 weeks old and on sand :( but she is doing great now except she as MBD.Also her tail is recovering nicely.Oh and a couple months l8r I got another leo named Starburst from VMS


Both my big bros had them when i was 5 (which i barely remember), all i remember is one of them throwing up a whole super worm, i threw up too:D lol.i got my first leo on July 17, 2006 from Brian O at Windy City Geckos. I was origionally going to get a bearded dragon, but they took to much care. My friend showd me the leopard geckos like his brother had (which i have now, named giedo and gordo), and their colors were awesome looking. Some were orange, and one had a blue spot on it, so i decided to buy one:) ive been hooked ever since, and have 5 currently, with a 6th (hopefully a blizzard) on its way soon


I was really into keeping/breeding tropical fish for many years and I started having some major pain issues with my hands which made it very difficult to do the water changes on 10 aquariums
So I slowly phased out of fish keeping
I had a lot of empty aquariums laying around and getting rid of them was not an option-I would have just ended up buying more to keep something in-LOL
I first started with a bearded dragon from a local pet shop-back when they were feeding broccoli and carrots to them
A friend who worked in another pet shop that I frequented sold me a baby beardie that her pair had produced and she had a few Leo hatchlings from her pair of normals and I got 2 babies from her
I kept just them for many years and didn't buy any more until I got on the web and I saw the fancy morphs that they had come out with-Albinos were just drooping in price when I got my first two of them
The rest is a long addiction and many Leos later
I am totally captivated by these creatures as is just about anyone that has ever looked at those sweet faces
I have met some wonderful people that are as crazy as I am about reptiles and that is another really nice part of the hobby
My bf just shakes his head when I start to talk geckos/reptiles -and that is why I love the forums so much

I could talk reptiles all night long-LOL



My mom works with a woman who had been taking care of a leopard gecko that a science teacher had had as a class pet. The science teacher was moving to a different school that didn't allow animals in the classroom, so he gave it to the woman. The woman and her husband already had 2 dogs, a cat, and a tortoise, so they didn't have enough time to contribute to the gecko. I had always wanted a pet of my own, so they gave it to me, tank and all. I fell in love with this cute little female gecko (Liz), and ended up doing lots of research on leos. So here I am, less than 2 years later, and I already have a total of 6. Like said earlier, once you get 1 leo, you have to get more. My mom says I can't have any more, but we all know where that's going;) .


pawsfoot said:
Actually my fiance. When we moved in together I had one dog. I bought him a dog for Valentines Day and then got 2 abandoned kittens from working at a vet office. I had always had herps when I lived with my parents and decided I wanted some sort of reptile since I was living on my own. I bought 2 rosy boas at a reptile expo. While we were there my fiance saw a leopard gecko breeder. He was soo impressed that the breeder let the gecko sit on his hand and that the gecko didn't freak. From then on all I heard about was getting a gecko, he wanted one soo bad. So I got online and looked up all the info I could on leos and finally got 1.2 babies. Since then we have been slowly growing our leo family. He will not touch the snakes, but loves to let the leos sit on his shoulder while he is on the computer.
He has his hood up because he says their toenails on his head tickle.
That is to cute!! lol

My boyfriend talked me into getting my first Leo a year ago, I never really cared for reptiles much but now I am an addict!


My mom was going to get an anole for Christmas one year but decided not to. We were in petsmart looking at the anoles and other geckos. I don't remember what happened next but I ended up with a leopard gecko care book and I got a 20 gallon tall tank with some other stuff from a kid I was in school with and then went and got Squeak.

That was three years ago. Now I've got three in all. I want to get an albino, a blizzard, and a crested gecko now.

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