What got you into geckos?



Well, I guess it all started for me when my mom picked up a Leopard Gecko manual from a thrift store and asked if we should hang on to it. I said yes in case I ever got one or needed the information. Then I wound researching Leopard Geckos when someone asked it they would make a good pet or not. Doing so I find out for myself that they would make a great pet. Later on I realized I had a book on them all along.

Then my luck changed for the better when our neighbor was babysitting a pair of leopard geckos for the summer. My neighbors asked me over to help research the geckos and show them a bit of how to care for them.

After I handled the geckos, I knew they were the pet for me and I had to have one. I got a temporary job to collect the money to buy one. Shortly after, my neighbors discovered my interest in Geckos and asked if I would take care of one of the geckos. Eagerly I accepted, and took care of the female leopard gecko, quickly putting togather a basic home for her. For two months, I took care of her and began to actually find myself attached to the gecko who would smile excitedly when I gave her mealworms. But alas, a week later it was time to return her back and I did so accordingly.

A few months passed by, and I got a call from my neighbors. The owners of the geckos were giving them away, one to my neighbor, and the neighbor wanted to give the other one to me! Excited, I accepted. The Leopard Gecko was now mine. I bought her a real cage and spent all my savings on herp supplies for her, but it was worth it. She has grown to be healthy and more colorful than I had imagined. I named her Lizzie and have owned her for six months now.
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Phillip and Christine from GKO Reptiles really got us started into loving leopard geckos after they had been convincing us for weeks, we bought our first 2 geckos from them and instantly fell in love with them. They really showed us the love that we now we too share with our geckos! Thanks guys!


New Member
Santa Maria, California
My Son's Wish for a lizzard

It was my son who got me started.
He wanted a lizard and I suggested a Toke Gecko, however the owner of one of our local pet stores suggested a Leopard Gecko instead. She said Leopard Gecko’s personalities are more suited for children as opposed to the more temperamental Toke.
After finding Golden Gate Geckos on the internet we were dead-set on getting a leopard gecko. The variety is staggering. They really are like Koi. Marcia suggested that we join GeckoForums.net.
This is a great community and I’m glad we’re a part of it.
We now own two females, a High Yellow and a Jungle Albino. Next week we’ll be picking up another female (a SuperHypo Carrot Tail) and another Jungle Albino (a male Giant or Super Giant—we’ll have to wait and see). In time we will breed them.
Right now our High Yellow is staring at me from inside her humid-hide watching me type this message.
They’re so cool.
That’s it.

Double LY

I had to share my gecko story.

My 5 year old son and I were talking about Christmas wish-lists and he got real quiet and sad. I asked what was wrong and he said he was sad because he couldn't get what he REALLY wanted for Christmas. I asked why and his response was "because Santa's elves don't know how to make animals". Luckily one of the petstores was having the "take your pet's picture with Santa" that weekend, so I loaded up the kids and the littlest pooch and Santa informed my son that the elves may not know how to make animals, but that Santa does have connections and is able to give especially good kids pets at Christmastime. Just so happens I work with one of Santa's "connections" and BluGnat gave us Spot (a two year old albino male) for a VERY reasonable price.

A few weeks, a reptile show and a pet store with a reputable breeder later our one little Christmas lizard has now become 4!!!! (They should really put a warning label regarding the addiction anywhere leos are sold:p )


I fell in love with a hatchling Leopard Gecko at PetCo four years ago. :D I named her Button because she had the cutest purple mark with four dots at the base of her tail. Now that purple mark & black spots have faded, but I still have Button, happy & healthy in my collection today. I couldn't imagine letting her go to anyone. :D


Dragoon Gecko

Active Member
I still have my first couple of leos, too :D . They are wildcaughts, and I got them from a breeder who used them to get some new "blood" into his lines.
For me, they are still very special.
I think I came to leo-breeding like many others: I just fell in love with this cuties ;)..
kind greetings, rebecca

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