What is going on!?


New Member
United Kingdom

I'm having a problem with the heating in my vivarium. It seems to be so unpredictable and I can't seem to hold a steady temperature. I have a heat mat with a thermostat, along with probes. The vivarium is wooden and the substrate is Zoo Med reptile carpet.

The temperature seems to change every time I use the probe to check the surface temperature under the hide. Sometimes the thermostat will be set to 32, and the surface temp will be 37. Other times, it's the other way around. I can't seem to get the right temperature, and it won't stop fluctuating.

I don't know whether reptile carpet has a problem retaining / losing heat? I don't know if it's because the hide holds heat? I don't know if it's because the thermostat isn't accurate? There just seems to be no relation between the thermostat and the actual surface temperature.

As far as I can see, Teicho has no problem with the heat, as he seems to spend alot of his time on the hot side. I'd just like to be able to relax knowing that the temperature is consistent and correct, instead of going mad checking the probe every 2 minutes.

Any suggestions?

Thanks guys.



New Member
Citrus Heights CA
Hmmm... I am not a pro by any means, but I dont even really track my temps on my leos. I have my heat lamp on them and no thermostat. I just let it run. Obviously, temps are going to fluctuate with the surrounding temps of your house. As long as the temps arent dropping or increasing by huge amounts you shouldnt have to worry. If it gets too hot they will go to a cooler area, if it gets too cool they will go to a warmer area. Think about it this way, in the wild, their temps are never perfect and always fluctuating. I hope this helps ease your mind a little bit, and I am sure the more pros out there can help better and correct any of my errors :)


New Member
United Kingdom
Thanks for the reply.

I was thinking the same thing. He seems perfectly happy on both sides of the viv, and I think as long as it doesn't drop too low or rise too high it'll be okay. I just don't want to mess his viv up and end up with an unhappy gecko!

It's just irritating me that I can't maintain a constant temperature. It seems a bit weird that the thermostat is on 32 and the surface temp is closer to 37.

Thanks again :)


New Member
Between two terrariums
I will let someone more experienced than I offer help with the thermostat woes. To the poster with heat lamp, I'd suggest checking the temps at *some* point, because lamps with leos tend to create a little extra work compared to mats. Depending on the size/distance of everything (tank, bulb, hides) the entire tank could heat up pretty fast, or the tank bottom where the gecko basks could be too cool. Just a thought!

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