What is the right enclosure for day geckos?


New Member
San Antonio, TX
I currently don't have day geckos but I am researching about them and I still haven't decided which type of day geckos I want to get. But I do have this large homemade cage that I used to house an iguana in it. The iguana is no longer here and the cage is sitting in the garage right now. My question is will this cage be ok for day geckos? If not, what changes does it need? Right now it has almost nothing left in the cage. Thanks for the advice!

Untitled by ispyjessie, on Flickr


Uroplatus Fanatic
Buffalo, NY
That may work ok for Phelsuma. It's going to need some changes though. What sort of lighting setup is in that? Phelsuma need full spectrum, but not real hot like spot lamps, either compact or full length flouresents would be best. They also do best in fully planted, naturalistic setups. So you'll probably want a substrate damn for 3-4 inches of either cocofiber, peat moss, etc mix plus a drainage layer. Of course it needs to be water proof. Ditch the hammocks and in addition to branches you'll want large potted plants, such as snake plants, pothos, Dracaenea, etc. Bamboo is a good idea as well, females like to lay their eggs in it. For that size enclosure I would go with a larger species, such and P. m. grandis or P. standingii, and be sure to stick to a single pair, multiple adults will often fight.

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