I love how they all have little personalities! That's what got me hooked originally, now I love making new combos and setting breeding goals. I also love how you don't always get the same looking babies from the same pairing. It's always a surprise when they climb out of the egg!
I love the genetic work and surprise. Waiting for hatches is always a mystery because of the genetic play and also no two snowflakes are the same. Also, how much we influence growth, health, and pattern has always fascinated me
Sent via Tapatalk whilst caring for Eublepharis macularis'
I think the excitement of going to check the incubator is pretty high up on my list, but having a someone get there very first leopard gecko from you and seeing there excitement (adults and children alike) is just awesome! Nothing beats it IMO.
I love all of it! I love caring for them, watching them eat (man are they fast! Even Amelia with her bad vision! ), when they get excited to see me, beg for food, or even give me an evil "go away, I'm sleeping!" face LOL I love going to the shows and watching more and more morphs (of all reptiles) come out, buying my stuff really cheap, coming home with new animals... Four is my limit, though. I don't have any more space! Of course, I though three was my limit, but that that worked out reall well last show... It's all fun for me
I really enjoy the changes in hatchlings, Watching them color up over night practically amazes me. I also enjoy when I have a really feisty hatchling and after a few days of its life they don't screech or panic when I clean the tubs or change food and water or pick them up. It's like they know I mean no harm that makes me smile every time.