The Raleighs reptile show is coming here april 30th and I plan to pick up a cobra heating pad and a thermostate to keep temperatures even for her. Which kind is the best to use? Is their anything a little cheaper than a Helix but still accurate?
I actually use a lamp dimmer to control the temp of my UTH. You can find them at Lowe's and Home Depot for about $20. Seems to work pretty nice. And I just use the little Zilla brand thermometer from PetSmart.
For my cages, I use Zoo-med and Alife/ESU all of which are under $30. The Zoo-med doesn't have digits on its control panel which is annoying. For my hobovator when I had it, I used Big Apple Herp proportional thermostat.
I've got a Herpstat thermostat on order for mine, but in researching these many folks have recommended the Alife and ZooMed models, both of which are significantly cheaper. I may pick one up to compare... besides, that will be a good reason for having to have a second Leo.
I tend to use the Zoo Med Rhetostat (calibrated with separate digital thermometer) and the Zoo Med Thermostat. The rhetostat is great if you are on a budget but I have noticed that the Zoo Med thermostat has REALLY come down in price, especially online.
Alright thanks everyone! I'll have to look into everything you all suggested. Since a few people said the zoomed I might possibly go with that one as I know it'll be readily available at the Raleigh show.
@ Jestre -- Awesome, Im really excited its my first reptile show ^^.