What mistakes have you made as begginers


New Member
I don't think I made any mistakes yet....but then again I was talking to Melissa for almost two weeks waiting for my babies to grow. So she would correct anything I did before my babies even came home. Who are doing great by the way! Although I might have just made a mistake by allowing my friend to pawn off her daughter's gecko on me. (Posts to come about that)

Jade Icing

New Member
With access to google and forums like these, there's really no excuse for people to still make fatal errors. But unfortunately people do still make pretty bad errors.


I got my leo from someone who... let's just say was a moron. :main_rolleyes:

I was told sand was ok, so I used it for a bit. When I moved to where I am now. I went to P**CO and it turned out to be a good thing. The one I go to the employees are good. They told me to stop the sand it was not needed and could be harmful. Also about using a UTH instead. With that info I took to the internet found this place and made all the needed changes. I waited till I felt I had what I needed down and than added more. :) Didn't want to get in over my head to soon.

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