What morph are these?


New Member
Darwen, lancashire
Well i went to a reptile show yesterday and I was only planning on getting one new baby leopard gecko, but ended up coming out with two - I think they're clutch mates as they were in the same container.. I don't know how old they exactly are but I'm guessing maybe 8 weeks old.

So, my question is what morph are they? I asked the seller and it seems as if he didn't have a clue lol, he just told me they were normals, but looking at pictures of normals they don't seem to match the description..

Here are the little guys..(I couldn't get better pictures as I don't want to stress them out).


I like the darker one as he has a sad face just behind his neck/on his back..


I'm not very good at guessing morphs but I was thinking the darker one is a mack snow? And the other is some sort of albino?
But I don't really know, so that's why I need help lol

Thanks in advance!☺

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New Member
Darwen, lancashire
Thanks alot Neon Aurora! I was thinking they were both underweight too, with the stick thin tails..

The normal one is kind of lethargic this morning, is there any way to perk him/her up? I really don't want one of them to pass away.. they seem pretty bonded, they follow each other around the cage lol

I also picked the normal one up because he was trying to climb up the walls and he looked as if he was getting stressed... but when I put him in my hands he kinda froze, he wouldn't move at all.. it looked like he was dead(but he obviously wasn't) so I put him back and he ran back in his cave.. what does that kind of behaviour mean? These are the first ever baby geckos I've had, I have an adult female but I rarely see her as she's quite skittish as she hardly got handled from the person I got her from, and when they did handle her they manhandled her(grabbing her tail, grabbing her too quick etc).... so I think she sees people as things to avoid, but I'm working on it..

Atm, they are in the living room on the same heat strip as my adult female, but they seem really stressed by the passing cars as you can hear them going by, I've covered their cage with a towel to make it as dark as possible, but does the noise matter?
I'm trying to avoid disturbing them, but it's really tempting to just have a peek lol

Sorry for the long post just needed to get it off my chest as I'm freaking out with their cuteness and my paranoia

P.s... I couldn't think of any names but by looking at the colours I might name the snow - Oreo and the normal - Custard

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Staff member
Somerville, MA
Based on the pictures,I don't think they really have stick thin tails (believe me that's a really awful thing to see), they're just underweight. Feed them as much as they'll eat. It's not unusual for them to be lethargic in the morning, because, as you know, they're nocturnal. I would imagine that "freezing" (as in "deer in the headlights") may be a particular gecko's response to being frightened. It wouldn't surprise me if they spend most of their time in the hides, which is typical for juveniles. Enjoy them.



New Member
Darwen, lancashire
Oh I see, thanks for clearing that up
I've left a dish with quite a few mealworms in (dusted of course) and I threw a few dubia nymphs in but they've not really ate anything.

They don't really stay in their hide, the normal just stays at the back of the cage in the fake plants and the snow just wonders about

Thanks for the help guys! I will sure to be back with a few more questions!

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Ghoulish Geckos
Honestly, they would do best to be kept alone. They don't actually form bonds. Plus, it will help to see how much eat one is eating and pooping. They might just be a little thin from not eating much, but there could be other health reasons, too.

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