The first one is an albino striped eclipse and maybe a Mack snow. The second is also a stripe but the picture is not clear enough to tell anything more. You need to find out what kind of albino the first one is. Otherwise, it would not be a good idea to breed it at all since you won't know what you're creating. It would be a good idea to learn more about morphs and genetics so you can make your own educated decision about what to breed.
The second one looks to be a reverse stripe (black stripe down the center of the back --starting to hypo out) instead of 2 stripes on either side of the midline.
The eyes of all albinos are redish. Bells tend to have bright red eyes so I would hesitate to conclude that they are Bells unless that's what you bought them as. My guess would be trempers but there's no way to be sure. If you know what albino strain they are 100% I would choose any morph that has that strain for a male. Which exact morph you choose depends on what you like.