Local ++++++++ sold us these two babies (6 & 8 grams) as normal but they do not look like normal to us. was wondering if you guys could help us out?
pretty sure the one with its whole tail is a male. any ideas?
The first one is a hypo (less than 10 body spots) and the second is an aberrant (broken body bands but no broken tail bands --though it's hard to tail due to the regenerated tail).
well thank you for the info, I looked up both of these patterns and it would seem you are correct, but what are the colors on these? these are not normal colors, they are too dark and there is purple on the tails where white should be? the only white on these two is behind their heads.
They look like normal colors to me. People forget that there can be variation in wild types as well. They are young, so will change as they age (the white behind the head will go away, their bands will become less obvious, among other things). But I agree with Aliza.
The regenerated tail is purple because it's still growing in. As the spots fade on the hypo, it's normal for the place where the original black band was to be greenish. This may eventually fade as well.