What morphs create a sunglow?

Steezy B

New Member
Orange County, CA
I've been doing some resesarch on this and I'm still confused. I can't figure out the albino strain that you pair with Tangerines to create Sunglows. And from what I've read, the difference between tangelo's and sunglow's is that, as adults sunglows are patternless where as tangelo's are banded. So how would one, create the banded tangelo and how would one create the patternless sunglow? Is that the only difference between these 2 morphs? I don't plan on breeding til next season, but I would like to focus on purebred tangerines and sunglows.

edit: I was just on david's site and he has a Sunglow Tremper. But I thought Tangerine x Tremper was a Tangelo?
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Staff member
Somerville, MA
Sunglows are superhypo tangerine albinos (of any strain)
Tangelos are tangerine albinos (presumably Trempers since Tremper created the morph)

To get a sunglow, you will need both parents to have at leasts one albino gene (since albino is simple recessive) and one or both parents to be superhypo, not patternless. Superhypo is a line bred trait, so a superhypo gecko will prodice some superhypo offsprong

To get a tangelo, you will need each parent to have at least one albino gene and one or both parents to have deep orange coloring.



Bismarck, ND
A Sunglow is a Super Hypo Tangerine Carrot Tail Baldy Albino (SHTCTB Albino)

Super Hypo- No spots on the body
Baldy- no spots on the head
Carrot Tail- at least 30% of the tail is orange
Tangerine- Orange
Albino- Either Tremper, Rainwater, or Bell


Bismarck, ND
I'd definitely call that a SHTCTB. The tail percentage is just a rough figure.
But its not full adult yet either. Sometimes they can develope spots later on also, But if David is calling that a SHTCTB it is. He knows his stuff.

And Super Hypo Tang is different than a SHTCTB. The SHT doesn't have a bald head or necessarily a carrot tail.

Steezy B

New Member
Orange County, CA
I'd definitely call that a SHTCTB. The tail percentage is just a rough figure.
But its not full adult yet either. Sometimes they can develope spots later on also, But if David is calling that a SHTCTB it is. He knows his stuff.

And Super Hypo Tang is different than a SHTCTB. The SHT doesn't have a bald head or necessarily a carrot tail.
He didn't call it a SHTCTB. It's listed as a Tangerine on his website. Based off your definitons of SHT/SHTCTB I thought this gecko was also considered that even though its listed as a tangerine. Sorry for the confusion

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